What I Offer

Delivered in English or Spanish


High-impact school-based presentations for adolescents, young adults, parents, and school staff focused on cultivating awareness in our youth about the current drug threat.

The presentations motivate students to focus on their choices and to respect their potential in life and are based on Rocky’s work as a DEA agent for 31 years.

The student presentations cover fentanyl, other synthetic drugs, cannabis/THC, and TUPE/Vaping.

Adult presentations focusing on how the tragic intersection of our national mental health crisis and our national drug crisis is damaging our teenagers and young adults.


High-impact school-based presentations for adolescents, young adults, parents, and school staff focused on cultivating awareness in our youth about the current drug threat.

The presentations motivate students to focus on their choices and to respect their potential in life and are based on Rocky’s work as a DEA agent for 31 years.

The student presentations cover fentanyl, other synthetic drugs, cannabis/THC, and TUPE/Vaping.

Adult presentations focusing on how the tragic intersection of our national mental health crisis and our national drug crisis is damaging our teenagers and young adults.


To empower students to make smarter choices by showing them the true impact of substance abuse on the individual, the family, school, city, nation, and the global community in 60- to 120-minute school-based assemblies.


Rocky’s position as Alcohol and Other Drug Ambassador for the San Diego County Office of Education enables Rocky to present to any school, community or church group within the County of San Diego at no cost to the school or organization. 


Rocky has a flexible fee schedule for presentations outside of San Diego. The cost will include travel expenses, and the speaker fee can be negotiated based on the size of the school and the number of presentations . Rocky’s mission is to get this information to as many students as possible. Please submit any proposed projects!

“Though I have attended many anti-drug presentations, this presentation was different. It opened my eyes and grabbed by attention to what happens to people physically and what happens when you buy them. You have given me not only information about addiction and drugs, but hope and motivation with fighting addiction. My mom struggles with alcohol. Thank you again.”
“I have heard many talks about drugs and none impacted me like yours did. I’m concerned for my generation but I know at least some people haven’t given up on us, people like you. I appreciate everything you do and will continue to do in the future. Thank you.”
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